Builds a button that will appear in a Config GUI, to perform some arbitrary, possible non-config-related action
This could be used to link to a wiki, open another non-fzzy-config config, open a non-config screen, open a patchouli guide, run a command, and so on.
See the Wiki for more details and examples.
0.5.0, Decorated and TextureSet incorporated 0.6.0
Runnable - the action to execute on clicking the button
Identifier, nullable - if non-null, will provide a custom background for the widget rendering.
Decorated, nullable - if non-null, will render a "decoration" next to the widget. These are the typically white/wireframe icons shown next to certain settings like lists.
Builds a ConfigAction
translation key of this Translatable's description. the "description" in-game, the descriptions Enchantment Descriptions adds to enchantment tooltips are a good example.
Whether this Translatable has a valid translation
The translated Text description from the descriptionKey. Falls back to an empty string so no tooltip is rendered.
Called in the prepare stage of screen building to perform any necessary pre-entry-creation tasks.
The translated Text name from the translationKey. Falls back to the implementing classes Simple Name (non-translated)
translation key of this Translatable. the "name" in-game
Builds a new ClickableWidget and applies a tooltip to it. This shouldn't need to be overridden in most cases